Lvl Нужная книга Локация Монстр (шанс)
Sorcerer 40 Aura Bolt Tanor Canyon Nightmare Guide (1/357) 40 Blazing Skin Ivory Tower/DeathPass Shackle (1/140) 40 Aura Flare Ivory Tower/DeathPass Shackle (1/140) 40 Prominence
Ivory Tower/DeathPass Shackle (1/140) 40 Blazing Circle Ivory Tower/DeathPass Shackle (1/140) 40
Surrender To Wind Ivory Tower Enchanted Gargoyle (1/124) 44
Sleeping Cloud Enchanted Valley Forest Runner (1/84) 48
Cancel Enchanted Valley Satyr Elder (1/66) 48 Decay Enchanted Valley
Satyr Elder (1/66)
58 Rain of Fire Enchanted Valley Hell Keeper Medusa (1/115) 66 Seed of Fire The Cemetary Fallen Orc Captain (1/170) 68 Aura Symphony Skyshadow Medow Innersen (1/313) 70
Inferno Skyshadow Medow Innersen (1/313) 72 Elemental Assault Giants Cave
Gamlin (1/134)